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Living Our Institutional Vocations: Saint Louis University Academic Strategic Plan

Saint Louis University’s Five-Year Academic Strategic Plan

Guiding our scholarly work is 博彩网址大全’s Academic Strategic Plan, a five-year collaborative road map inspired by the Jesuit Apostolic Preferences and developed through an inclusive, transparent process for all who have a stake in 博彩网址大全’s future.

Download the Academic Strategic Plan (PDF)

Explore the Academic Strategic Plan's Five Priorities

A male professor lectures in front of a full classroom
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Priority Two
Research, Scholarship and Creative Work

As 博彩网址大全 pursues Carnegie Research 1 status, 博彩网址大全 will prioritize research, scholarship, and creative work that enhances our scholarly strengths and advances our Jesuit mission.

Students practice a yoga flow
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Priority Three
Advancing Well-Being and Equity

博彩网址大全 will prioritize creating a culture of holistic well-being for all students, faculty, and staff.

A man gestures toward a white board with formulas written on it
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Priority Four
Expanding Access and Reach

博彩网址大全 will prioritize our obligation to lead the expansion of student access to Jesuit higher education—locally, nationally, and globally.

A classroom of students listens attentively to a lecture
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Priority Five
Institutional Planning

博彩网址大全 will prioritize institutional planning principles and processes that ensure alignment of resources and capacities, supporting growth that is ambitious but responsible.

All Strategic Priorities

Living Our Institutional Vocations

A hallmark of Ignatian spirituality and pedagogy is the iterative cycle of critical self-examination, reflection and action. This process is predicated on an informed understanding of our historical and contemporary context and the specific institutional and environmental experiences that influence each stage. 

Engaging in regular academic strategic planning throughout the University is, for Jesuit universities, a fundamental expression of this cycle.

Implementation of the Plan